Paving the Way FOR collaboration


In today’s landscape of instant workflows, Reticle focuses on the importance of collaboration and connecting productions across the world to help create, direct, and distribute the given content. With the backbone of Video assist, we simplify the creative ethos by bringing connectivity to your project.


Internet Anywhere

From remote locations, to high signal traffic areas - we have you connected.

The rise of staying connected has transformed the landscape of broadcast. From fostering global technologies and unlocking new potential, the benefits are undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, we focus on keeping everyone connected.


Video Assist that matters

We focus on the creative workflow of the project to allow directors and everyone on set focus on what matters. Without interruption of traditional workflows and connecting key assets regardless of location from on-location to the cloud. The essential tools are helping provide any task for shooting, reviewing, and collaborating.


Connecting the office to the set

Video standards meets a new platform - the cloud. Virtual video village has become an instant way to collaborate anywhere in the world. Utilizing cutting-edge information technologies curtails the challenge that was once impossible to possible.

We partner with Theory Sound to bring a cohesive Video and Audio environment on set… CHECK THEM OUT..!!!